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Keeping Children Safe as They Return to School
As summer vacation sadly comes to an end, and parents begin getting their children ready to go back to school, the subject of school safety comes into play. Every year, children going to school face the hazards of drivers and other obstacles on their way to school. Whether they walk or ride a bicycle, there are important things to teach kids about staying safe. Drivers too must be more aware and slow down to accommodate kids who may not be paying attention.
Reminders to tell kids:
- Never cross the street without an adult or crossing guard until after age 10.
- Always cross at the street corners on the crosswalks and use traffic signals or follow instructions of the crossing guards.
- Never run out into the street or go in between cars to take a shortcut
- When getting off the bus, always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see you.
- Don’t stand on the bus while it is moving. Stay seated and follow the bus driver’s instructions at all times.
- Never ride a bicycle or skateboard in the road.
- Stay on the sidewalks until at least age ten.
- Always wear helmets on bicycles and skateboards. Ride with reflectors and properly visible clothing.
Drivers should remember to:
- Watch for kids coming on or near the road and who may not be paying attention, especially during school hours.
- Drive slowly in school zones and enter or exit entrances and alleys with caution.
- Reduce distractions like cell phones, navigators, radios and other things while driving.
- Scout for children at intersections and on medians or in curbs.
- Slow down and stay alert in all residential neighborhoods!
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