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Beginning on December 20th of this year, all care attendants in Louisiana and in other states will be required to undergo a rigid sixteen hour training in order to administer medication to clients in relation to in-home services. The training must be approved by an RN along with specific home assessments and dedicated client training.
This rule represents a new medication administration Health Standard that will be implemented to replace the current rule, which states that all DSW staff who administers medication to a client as part of their home care services in Louisiana through the Medicaid Waiver program must be signed off by a Physician with a Physician Delegation Form. In addition, the R.N. will be required to do home assessments and client specific training.
Needless to say, this will require time and effort to coordinate. Our Care, Inc. DSW staff will be scheduling and attending the trainings. Arrangements will be made for other staff or natural support from family to care for client needs as we attend these mandatory trainings. Please take comfort knowing that we strive to maintain the high integrity and requirements imposed upon us and continue to do everything we can to provide your loved ones with the best and most proper care!