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Share the Love – Take Care of Yourself So You Can Care for Your Loved One Too
The days are long, and the nights can be longer. And sometimes ... you just need a break. You’re thinking, How can I ask for time away when my loved one can’t walk, talk, or even get a good night’s rest?
It’s normal to feel that you shouldn’t leave or take time for yourself, but just like on the plane, you must save yourself before you can take care of others. If caregivers allow their own needs to take a back seat for too long, frustration and resentment can become their reality.
Nobody wants that.
Caregiver guilt exists when there is anxiety about leaving a loved one. It also can manifest after the caregiver has feelings of irritation or impatience associated with their responsibilities. The fact is that everyone feels frustration at some point, and pushing through isn’t always the best remedy.
Let go and let others. Oftentimes, caregivers feel they are the only ones who can do everything the right way. Sharing responsibility is a gift to the caregiver and their family members. Other family members and friends need to feel they are part of this special time too. Those memories will help bond the family together. It will also allow your loved one to break the monotony. It is healthy to see different faces and have different conversations.
If there are no additional family members to share in caregiving, hire someone to come in for short-term help. Don’t plan to run errands during your time away – take some real time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Come back fresh and ready.
If necessary, you may decide it’s time to get round-the-clock care. This is a decision of love. There is only so much loved ones can do before taking care of sick or aging loved ones takes over their own family responsibilities. One should not be at the expense of the other. Long-term care facilities give your loved one social outlets, specialty care and access to resources you may not have. You will be able to visit without the stress of having to get everything done while there.
Quality of life extends to family happiness as well. Caring for a loved one should not rest solely on the shoulders of a select few. Having a team of people dedicated to health, wellness and recreation will keep everyone involved and encourage a stronger family.
Whether you’re seeking someone to simply help with errands and companionship, or looking for around the clock assistance, we at CARE inc. can help. Call us at 1-800-798-6565 to learn more or visit, fill out the form, and we’ll get back with you shortly.
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