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It's Healthy Aging Month! And, this September we are providing tips for improving your loved one's and your physical, mental, social and financial well-being. It's not too late to take control of your health!
Don't forget to schedule annual check ups. For your loved ones and yourself, this is very important. Set up your physical and other annual health screenings to make sure your health is on track! Some common annual screenings for the elderly include:
Healthy aging comes with taking responsibility for your physical actions, such as walking. Analyze your gait and check your loved one's gait too. Then, don't forget to wear comfortable shoes and your heels first. This will help you walk tall! Some other examples of physical activities include dancing, swimming, jogging or aerobic exercise classes! Gardening and household chores can even get the heart pumping.
Healthy aging occurs when mental health is made a priority too. Ditch the negativity! Have uplifting conversations, be positive in your actions, and hang around those who make you feel better (not those who make you feel down). When you’re positive, time with your loved ones becomes even more enjoyable!
It is important to stimulate your brain, and your loved one’s brain, to improve focus and mental clarity. Engaging in physical activity as we mentioned above can you help you do so. Brain-training games can also help older adults stay sharp and boost brain health! Encourage your loved ones to try one of the following:
You’ve heard it before….Life is better spent together! Although social activities in 2020 look a little different, you can plan phone calls with a group of friends, download an app so you can challenge each other in a virtual game, and even do virtual wine tastings. Be social when and where you can.
We are all busy, and all of our other responsibilities often keep us from spending more time with our friends and family. Be sure to fit time in your schedule for your loved ones. It is not only good for your health, but it is good for their health too! Sometimes it is as simple as writing it down, so you don’t forget you have something planned with those you love. Some ideas for virtual social activities to include on this month’s calendar include:
Lock in a policy now because as you age, the plan becomes more expensive. AARP offers a plan through MetLife. Learn more about it at If you have helped your loved one set up their policy, don’t forget to invest in policy for yourself too.
It is never too late to begin setting financial goals and budgeting. These are imperative to plan for retirement and long-term care. Budgets help you see where your money is going each month and financial goals will help you keep that budget in line. Don’t forget to remind your loved ones to take advantage of senior discounts!
At CARE, we care deeply for your family, and we tailor our care to meet their specific needs. We help get them to their appointments, will run errands with or for them, and we are here to make sure they stay healthy. Call us at 1-800-798-6565 to learn more or visit to discuss if our team can make a difference in the life of your loved one.