CARE, Inc. Helping Families With Special Needs Children

Raising a special needs child can be a full time job on its own. CARE, Inc. can help provide assistance and an opportunity for all family members to live a happy and healthy life. Our specially trained caregivers are not only compassionate and helpful but they are committed to providing relief and assistance to one’s long term / short term care providers.

Assistance for children with special needs can be short term, a new child coming home from the hospital and parents that are learning to properly care for their child or long-term for children who need constant specialized care. CARE, Inc. is here to help and often times allow family members to go back to work, learn efficient care taking skills, and provide not only care but hopefulness for the future.

With any disability, special needs assistance can range anywhere from help with daily living tasks, to full assistance with medications, physical and emotional, companionship, etc. CARE, Inc. can provide all this and more. We understand that the level of care needed care also vary at different times of the year; we are here to provide the help you need, whenever you need it.

There is a lot we can do! Often times are clients are excited to learn all of our services. We can provide anything from transportation to and from doctor appointments, light housekeeping, social activities, etc. To find a full list of our services please visit our Personal Assistance page here.

We understand that raising a child with special needs can be difficult without prior knowledge or experience. Having your child at home can provide a calming and comfortable environment and a more independent lifestyle. We are here to help. When they say it takes a village to raise a child, we truly believe it!

CARE, Inc. has served the Louisiana area for more than 22 years. Our experience and reputation is possible through our strict and thorough hiring and training process. We will not put your family members with anyone we wouldn’t want with ours. The process includes; criminal and driving background checks, in person interviews, and references before an onsite training program starts. We put forth the effort to hire employees that truly care for our clients and believe in our mission. Our employees often times find themselves feeling like part of the client’s family – the level of care is that deep. One of the important policies we have as a company is that it is mandatory that they take continued education during their time with CARE, Inc. This ensures our employees are offering our client’s the most efficient and updated care that’s available. With children, this is especially important as they are learning and molding their abilities from those around them.

We at CARE, Inc. have the manpower to provide assistance for your family. We understand that we can never fill a loved ones shoes in the caregiving department, but we do our best to walk in them.  Contact us today for more information on how we can help you.

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